Today for your scrapping pleasure we have a page I made using design tools I bought from Kim Broedelet. I'm pretty danged proud of the way it turned out. I LOVE the texture in the papers! The alpha is also from Kim, it's the Papery Alpha from the "An Ordinary Day" kit. I think this could be used for a guy page, or would make a great picnic or 4th of July LO. It actually should be a fairly versatile page. Password is: tootsie The pic is of Lilly scarfing her first Tootsie Pop. You couldn't have pried it out of her hands! If any of the 8.5 x 11 scrappers want the paper, let me know. I imagine if you asked real nice, I could even make a paper ribbon to match the frame wrap!

Here it be: Link Expired
Remember your manners!
Thanks for the great Quick page.
I love the ripped paper.
Isn't it funny if we ripped a piece of paper or wrinkled it by accident we would think it was garbage but then we do it on purpose for our scrapbooking and it looks great.
Awwww those firsts are always so 'sweet'! hehe
The textures on this kit ARE great. I like texture also.
Thank you for the qp hun...I really enjoy both reading your blog AND seeing your layouts as well as the stuff you share with us. HUGS
Hi Vicki!
Glad you had a great weekend, sounds like fun...
Love the two latest pages, they are both just darling! You know I love anything you touch...
TY so very much for these AWESOME QPS to go with Kims & Nanas kits!!!!!!
I really like the worn, torn jeans paper you made. Very impressive designing abilities! Cute quick page, too. Thanks!
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