Day four, and the dry spell continues. I downloaded some more color swatches, maybe that will help to inspire me. This is getting really frustrating. Does anyone have any suggestions? What works for you? I'm willing to try almost anything at this point. This page was made using the Underwater kit from PinkuPixie. See it here: This is a terrific kit packed with great stuff for all those summer and beach photos. When I created this LO, I really wanted to keep it simple so the photo would take center stage. Password is: shade I very seldom place a photo smack in the middle of a page, but with the ribbons drawing your eye in to the photo, it works for this page.

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Remember your manners!
Vikki - I love how the colors pick up the umbrella so nicely. Whenever you create it is all about the picture. So maybe to get beyond your block you need to find a picture that inspires you. Maybe an older photo that you haven't looked at in some time. How about one when you were a child? Good luck! Sue
Change works best for me when I'm blocked. Sometimes it's as simple as cooking a new recipe or going to the park for a little bit. Just a change from the norm. Playing on the swings or blowing bubbles at the park is great for waking up th child part of the bran that controls creativity! Not to say adults aren't creative but, well, anyway, my inner child controls my creative bran! :)
So...what about choosing an event? I have scads of folders in a hard drive with pictures from different events. Choose an event and go from there???
I am SO not the one to ask. Thank you for the qp's simple but really nice!
Hi Vicki!
How about trying out some color challenges? They are everywhere! Then you can go to this neat little site and with the 5 colors you find else where you will find a million others (well maybe 40 or so)--maybe that will light that Texas fire!
I only "know" you from comments at mydigistyle, but i am always so touched by the warmth of your post, humorous or serious or seriously humorous, so, if you will play--and you don't have to: no pressure, no stress--I'M TAGGING YOU! If you decide you want to play, go here, to my blog, for the Tag Rules.
Later, Vicki! Hope you get your groove back soon!
What a great layout! I love how the shades from the picture matches the ribbons in the set. Even thinking you don't have mojo, you still have it!!
I love the bright colors in your photo and your quick page. It looks like the two are having a great time! Thanks for sharing your work.
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