Well, I'm not back to creating elaborate, over the top pages, but at least I am making LO's again. This is one of several from this past weekend. Look at this as an opportunity for you to take my page and customize it for yourself! More elements in the top lh corner, doodles on the frame, charms hanging from the frame wrap, etc... Hey, I'm giving myself ideas here! ROTFLMAO! Password has gotta be: bubbles One of the big deals for all the great grands when they are visiting Nonny and Big Daddy (my Mom & Dad) is to get to take a bubble bath in the humongous Jacuzzi tub that they have in their master bath. Wyatt can actually dog paddle from end to end in this tub! I would love to see your take on this page, please email me a link!

Your gift: Link Expired
What do we say?
Very cute page! Your mojo is making its way home! :)
I think I have some ideas for this one too, may just be making a trip to 4-shared!
You and Mr. Mojo are doing the dirty deed! LOL I love this page! I'm gonna play right now!
I'll let you know when I have posted it. :)
Thank you, once again, my generous bubbly queen, for sharing your work freely! HUGS
Hey Vicki, just catching up after a couple of days away from the puter for all but work due to sick kidos. Love that layout of you in the dress, you are just edible you are so cute. When I saw the words Mr Bubbles I thought maybe someone had been adding to the bubbles if you get my meaning. And Amen to those other comments. I drop in each day to read your adventures and to get a laugh plus there is the ever expanding Nana photos. Not long until Cancun Nana !
Big hugs
What a sweet LO, thank you! and what sweet pics you used with your pages. We have a big tub, too- but not quite as big as your parents it sounds like!
Another great page and your ideas for additional embellies as I call elements were great.
I LOVE this page, the colors and the design. VERY NICE! Thanks for the quick page.
I want to make sure I give credit to you when I use one of your quick pages, so I add txbubbles to all the file names to help me remember. May I suggest that others might more easily give you credit if you added it to the files you upload to 4 shared? Just a small suggestion. You do such a super job I want everyone to know if it's your work.
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