There was a suggestion to scrap childhood photos of myself as a way to overcome the block. While there are boxes and boxes of pics of me, unfortunately they are still just that, in boxes! Not only that, but most are the itty bitty 2"x3" black and whites of yesteryear. (Boy, that really makes me feel old, using the word yesteryear in a sentence about me! LOL!!!) Anyway, I came up with this. It will kinda' give ya'll an idea of how I have been wrapped up in the foo-foo for most of my life! Password is: poufy Between my Mom and my Memaw, I was dressed to the frilly limit most of the time, not just for Easter! I actually have pics of me riding my tricycle in dresses with poufy petticoats and black patent leather mary janes (with lace edged socks)! LOL!!! I didn't get a whole lot of scrappin' done, between having to scan in the photos and getting lost in the memories, but I did accomplish some. It was definitely fun! I think Mr. MoJo may be sneaking back! (insert knock on wood here!) This QP could be used for a lot of different types of photos, not just Easter! Think... Moms, brides, newborns, or of course girly girls!

Todays gift: Link Expired
Remember your manners!
I love to see kid-photos of my pals! You can definitely see the you in the little you!! :)
It's a darling layout too! I love the ribbon and the pins!
LMAO! You don't really look happy about the foo-foo either!
I have some pics sorta like that. Pageboy hair, big red bow. Red and white dress with fancy red coat that came with a muff and then the lacy socks with black Mary Janes.
I think we are from the same
Thank for the pretty qp!
Love todays's QP....thankyou.
Love the poufy dress too......reminds me of some of my little girl pics....just gotta go look for them now.
Hey Vicki, what a super cute page!!
Love the photos, they are perfect for this page...
Just got home this 230 am from Disneyland/Los Angeles took 699 get busy lady, I need a couple QP's...LOL
glad to be home, I missed the blog!
What a darling page of yourself :) The shadows work so well with the pink, too.
Holy petticoats Batman! I thought MY mom was excited to finally get a girl! That is some serious foof! My poor mom gave up after awhile, I still can't wear white, and not expect there to be a stain looking for it! LOL Thanks for the look back.
Really cute photos and layout! Thanks for sharing.
NOW I know what those open safety pins are for. In addition to the quick pages, you are giving away good ideas for scrapping. I really appreciate your work.
Thank you, you were darling!!
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