Friday, May 30, 2008

Tough Girl

Just a quick post today. This is a page from several months ago. I know Rena will be a happy camper! Gotta take care of my biggest fan! ROTFLMAO!!! I used the Tough Girl kit from PinkuPixie. This kit is AWESOME! If you have a little girl in your life, you need to have this kit! Here we have Lilly sporting one of the corker bows that I make for her. Password is: sweet She is such a girly girl with all her bows and jewelry. I made her bows and bracelets in every color so she would have a match for every outfit. She is SOOO rotten!

Your gift for today: Link Expired
What do we say?
The new format of 4-shared sucks. To leave a comment, scroll to the bottom. I wondered why comments were down, I was about to get my panties in a wad.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sweet Baby Rosebud

This page was made with the "Sweet Baby Rosebud" kit from Jannidee We had Lilly dressed up all in lace and ribbons (courtesy of her Nana) for her five months photo shoot. I have a picture of myself in a bonnet just like this that I plan to eventually get around to scrapping. Password is: bonnet All she wanted to do was play with her feet, Wyatt had to act like a raving lunatic to get her to look up and laugh! BTW, I took her last name off in the preview, that's why it looks unbalanced.

Today's gift: Link Expired
Remember your manners!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Oh No!!! I've Been Tagged

I thought I was obscure enough on my little blog here to escape, but NO... did it to me!
And then and got me too!

It's probably cheating, but I'm gonna' combine them. It'll be hard enough to come up with seven facts about me.

1. I believe that The Eagles are the greatest band to ever play on this earth. I have an extensive collection of memorabilia that I am decorating my office with. It will be my own personal shrine.

2. I think that Glenn Frey (of The Eagles) is the hottest man I have ever seen. I have so many pictures of him that Wyatt believes he is my boyfriend! ROTFLMAO!!!

3. Matthew McConaughey is the second hottest man on my list. I could just eat him up with a spoon!

4. I don't care if I am 98 years old, I want to learn how to play the saxophone.

5. I had to quit nursing school with only 2 semesters to go to earn my RN, I found I couldn't handle the sh*t and puke. I am now an accountant, and I still deal with sh*t on a daily basis!

6. I will not eat a whole bean.

7. I believe in angels and miracles.


1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Okay, I have done the part about the random stuff about me, but honestly, this tag (like a chain letter) has pretty much run it's course. I don't know anyone who hasn't been tagged at least once by this. So I'm going to do the right thing and put it out of it's misery. Yes, I am going to let it die right here and now. A hundred camels are probably going to crap on my blog and my butt's going to spread (oops...already happened!) but I will be brave and suffer the consequences.

Call me Mr. Bubbles

Well, I'm not back to creating elaborate, over the top pages, but at least I am making LO's again. This is one of several from this past weekend. Look at this as an opportunity for you to take my page and customize it for yourself! More elements in the top lh corner, doodles on the frame, charms hanging from the frame wrap, etc... Hey, I'm giving myself ideas here! ROTFLMAO! Password has gotta be: bubbles One of the big deals for all the great grands when they are visiting Nonny and Big Daddy (my Mom & Dad) is to get to take a bubble bath in the humongous Jacuzzi tub that they have in their master bath. Wyatt can actually dog paddle from end to end in this tub! I would love to see your take on this page, please email me a link!

Your gift: Link Expired
What do we say?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Random stuff

Thought I would just share some of the comments left on 4-shared regarding "The Pool Guest" page. These are the things that may seem small and not very important to you, but are actually what keeps those of us who decide to do this in what little free time we have to keep going and sharing with you! I do believe that this is gonna be something that I do occasionally here at Babbles, just to kind of spread the love around!

• Posted by Holly
May 27, 2008 5:32:05 PM
I think it is the coolest thing to read about each QP and getting the password. You have got to be one of the greatest mom and grandma there is. Thank you for making my day and bringing a smile to me.

• Posted by LadyZip
May 24, 2008 6:35:50 AM
This page made me laugh so hard that dh came into the computer room as he thought I was really loosing it, until I showed him your picture. Thank you so much once again for sharing.

• Posted by MicheleB
May 22, 2008 5:06:34 PM
Thank you for the daily smiles and the great QP's as always. : )

• Posted by kicksmom
May 23, 2008 5:10:40 AM
Your spirit brings me a smile and I love reading your blog. Thank you for the great QP.

• Posted by Rena
May 22, 2008 9:55:50 AM
This is why I love Vicki's blog so much, not only do you get to come here and pick up a TERRIFIC QP, you have fun, laugh and start your day with a smile.... =) Great story, and even better photos...ha! THANKS LADY!!

• Posted by Cauleen
May 22, 2008 9:51:29 AM
Don't know how you keep coming up with these pages, but please don't stop! Just love what you share with us. (And the pics are hilarious this time!)

• Posted by Laser
May 23, 2008 8:00:04 AM
Love your sense of honor AND everything you share! Thanks so much

Foo-foo explained...

There was a suggestion to scrap childhood photos of myself as a way to overcome the block. While there are boxes and boxes of pics of me, unfortunately they are still just that, in boxes! Not only that, but most are the itty bitty 2"x3" black and whites of yesteryear. (Boy, that really makes me feel old, using the word yesteryear in a sentence about me! LOL!!!) Anyway, I came up with this. It will kinda' give ya'll an idea of how I have been wrapped up in the foo-foo for most of my life! Password is: poufy Between my Mom and my Memaw, I was dressed to the frilly limit most of the time, not just for Easter! I actually have pics of me riding my tricycle in dresses with poufy petticoats and black patent leather mary janes (with lace edged socks)! LOL!!! I didn't get a whole lot of scrappin' done, between having to scan in the photos and getting lost in the memories, but I did accomplish some. It was definitely fun! I think Mr. MoJo may be sneaking back! (insert knock on wood here!) This QP could be used for a lot of different types of photos, not just Easter! Think... Moms, brides, newborns, or of course girly girls!

Todays gift: Link Expired
Remember your manners!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Musical Inspiration

Today's page is one of those I have been working on here and there and just couldn't manage to finish. Last night I pulled it up again, and right then the song "Sugar Pie Honey Bunch" played on the CD player. This song is one of my all time faves, and it is kind of our family anthem. During one of our spoon parties it usually gets sung multiple times! No plain ole lullabies for my kids and grandbabies, I sang them to sleep with "Sugar Pie Honey Bunch". Password is: sugar Anyway, the page just kind of fell together then. So I will add music to my list of inspirations! On another note, along the way we seem to have picked up people who do not remember what their momma taught them about manners. I don't want to get my panties in a wad over this, but I will if it continues. It's bad enough to be dealing with the frustration of Mr. MoJo being such a stinker, I don't feel like putting up with the rude grab and run people too.
Today's gift:Link Expired
Remember your manners!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


FINALLY!!! I managed to create a new page! I guess when all else fails, I can dredge up some embarrassing pics of myself for inspiration. Trish and Kev were hosting a barbeque and pool party for their employees. She was worried about uninvited guests showing up. I planned this for about two weeks. It's hard to find inflatable pool toys in September! Password is: gator When I showed up with snorkel, goggles, fins, floatie, plastic 'gator and Sponge Bob beach towel, Trish laughed so hard she actually fell down!
I am really pleased at the way the cardboard background and journal spot made the photos pop.

Today's gift: Link Expired
What do we say?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sun Kissed

Day four, and the dry spell continues. I downloaded some more color swatches, maybe that will help to inspire me. This is getting really frustrating. Does anyone have any suggestions? What works for you? I'm willing to try almost anything at this point. This page was made using the Underwater kit from PinkuPixie. See it here: This is a terrific kit packed with great stuff for all those summer and beach photos. When I created this LO, I really wanted to keep it simple so the photo would take center stage. Password is: shade I very seldom place a photo smack in the middle of a page, but with the ribbons drawing your eye in to the photo, it works for this page.

Your gift: Link Expired
Remember your manners!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bald Like Me

I guess it's official. I have serious creative block. Again last night I sat at the computer dragging stuff around and came up with squat. Three days in a row! Please come back, Mr. Mojo! Whatever I did to tick you off, I promise I won't do it again! I finally resorted to digging through some old LO's to find one that I could make into a page for you today. Password is: baldy This is another one of my early digital pages. I used a combination of "Over the Rainbow" and "Foofaraw" from Nana's Attic. Lilly thought the big head statue at Ripley's was the coolest. She patted it and talked to it like they were old friends!

Gift for today: Link Expired
What do we say?

Monday, May 19, 2008

May Add-On (the lost staple)

Here is the last of the May kit. I threw in my favorite double staple for you! The top two papers are big, I left them that way so you could size them to your specs. The bottom right spot was not actually a part of this kit, it's just a really neat torn spot that I made and use all the time. Password is: the end I hope you enjoy this kit, it was fun to make! I have several pages in progress, if Mr. Mojo ever decides to come back to my house maybe I'll get them finished! It seems I have a little creative block going on. I tried to scrap for several hours Saturday morning but couldn't manage to finish anything, so I decided to go to the casino. BAD idea. Suffice it to say I would have been better off creating lousy pages. All I brought back was a t-shirt.
Gift of the day:Link Expired
Remember your manners!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Where are those darn staples?

Well, the juggling everthing between two computers, three flash drives and two external drives has finally caught up with me and kicked my butt. In my LO and the QP preview, you will see staples. I decided to add them at the last minute. However, the version that I saved to the flash drive that I have with me today is "pre-staple". Rather than leave ya'll without till Monday, I went ahead and uploaded the stapleless (is that a word?) LOL! version to 4shared. You can always add your own staples if you would like. This LO is the companion page to Princess Lillian. She did quite a number on her little personal birthday cake, and was sticky from head to toe. A quick dunk in the tub was necessary before the party could go on! Password is: sticky I used my May challenge kit for this page. I will have a little add-on to the kit next week, it was just going to be some journaling spots, but I think I will add a staple for you! I played around with the color cast in these pics, they look like some of mine from the seventies!

Gift of the day: Link Expired

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Foo-foo overload?

Okay, I'll admit I took this page to the foo-foo limit! I just loved the little flowers! I used the kit "Charming" from Nana's Attic Anita has opened up a shop with kits from the past, so if you see a LO here made from an older kit you can now purchase them! Password is: daddys girl I may go back and experiment with adding more of a warm color cast to this photo before I print this page, I read a tut on this the other day and I think this pic may be the perfect example. I will let ya'll know how it turns out! Maybe by tomorrow I'll have some more pages from the May kit finished.

Your foo-foo gift: Link Expired
Remember your manners

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

May Color Challenge Kit

Well, this is another one of those things that just grew and grew! I started out just to make a few things for the Princess Lillian page to submit for the DSO color challenge. Several hours later, I realized I had went a little overboard! There are a total of 13 papers (2 not shown in preview). The doodle flowers didn't go with that page, but I thought they were too cool to chunk. I also ended up with several frames and ties before I decided on the one I wanted to use. get to reap the benefits of my excess! Hey, that will be the password: excess Please excuse the lame previews, I haven't quite got the hang of that part yet! I made everything in this kit using the amazing design tools of Kim Broedelet. I would really appreciate feedback on what you think of this kit, and I would love to see any layouts you may make with it!

Gift of the day: Link Expired
Remember your manners!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Princess Lillian

I made this page for the May color challenge at DSO using the awesome design tools of Kim Broedelet. This was the first time I made a circle print paper, I think it turned out pretty darned good if I do say so myself! I went kind of nuts at the party store and bought everything they had in the princess theme for Lilly's first birthday! Password is: tiara Lilly dived right in to her birthday cake. Everytime the tiara moved on her head, she would push it back up, resulting in lots of sticky icing in her hair!

Gift for the day: Link Expired

Remember your manners!

Monday, May 12, 2008

15000 Hits Bonus!

Well, the counter rolled over 15000 today! I made my first post February 26, 2008. I expected just a handful of hits everyday. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined 15000 hits in less than three months! I had set myself a goal of completing at least one page a day for my books. Then I decided to create and post a QP of some of the LO's as a kick in the butt way of making sure I did it. For all the new ladies who may not know, I do not just create a QP. Every QP you download was made from a LO I made for my books. See, I just can't create a page. I always have the photo(s) I want to scrap first and then build the page around them. Repeat after's all about the pictures! ROTFLPIMP!!! That is probably why my quick pages are so different, they are mine, not something generic. I don't give you anything that I am not putting in my own books. Password is: swirly This LO is another that I designed as a portrait page, so no journaling spot. I think it has a great vintage feel. The photo is of my maternal grandparents. I used design tools from the fabulous Kim Broedelet to make everything for this page. I hope you enjoy this bonus page for today, and many, many thanks to all the wonderful people who are now a part of my day!

Here 'ya go: Link Expired
Remember your manners!

Some Foo-Foo for You

I told you I would have to have a foo-foo fix before long! I do believe it's gonna be a foo-foo week here at Babbles. Everytime I tried working on anything else this weekend I ended up either shelving or trashing it. I finally just gave up and went with the flow! LOL!!! This is probably my favorite shot of Lilly from the Christmas 2007 photo shoot. I used the "Flowers in the Wind" kit from Nana's Attic. Since I made this as a portrait type page, I didn't add a journaling spot, but if you need one you could add it where the title is. Password is: darling I had started scrapping this photo as a Christmas type page and it just wouldn't happen. I actually started this page around another photo, then realized the colors in the flowers would be perfect for Lilly's portrait. See, sometimes it really does help to think out of the box! Dadgummit! I just realized I put the wrong date on the LO! Boy, I do love that undo button! Okay, it's fixed now.

Here is your gift for today: Link Expired
What do we say?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

One for the Boys!

I just love this photo of my brother Steve and Wyatt. This was Wyatt's first fishing trip. Steve tried to teach Wyatt how to drive the boat, but all Wyatt wanted to do was talk on the radio! Call the Coast Guard! Password is: 10-4 This page was made with the "All Boy" kit from Nana's Attic. The frame is not a part of the kit, I made it using the awesome actions of Atomic Cupcake. Get ready, we are going to have some foo-foo pages in the coming week! I have held off as long as I could! ROTFLPIMP!!!!

Here we go: Link Expired
What did your Mama teach you?

Friday, May 9, 2008

I give!!!! Groucho Nana revealed!

Okay, okay, OKAY!!! Let me just qualify this photo. I guess if I can post embarrassing pics of the rest of the gang I have to post mine. This was very late in the evening, I am singing an Elvis song into a He-Man clobber thing wearing a tickley mask, mass quantities of adult beverages had been consumed and Wyatt took the picture. I hope everyone is happy now that I have absolutely NO dignity left.

Meet the Grouchos

When my family gets together, we do tend to have fun! Sometimes it gets a little on the strange side, sometimes kind of wild, but always fun! I picked up several pairs of Groucho glasses, (along with the famous Elvis mask!) at an after Halloween sale and took them to the deer lease. Here is Matt the Brat, my Dad and Wyatt sporting their new "look"! ROTFLPIMP!!! Password is: goofballs And yes, there is a picture floating around of me with the glasses on, but it is so embarrassing even I won't post it!

Here 'ya go: Link Expired
What do we say?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

UT Cheerleader!

A little background here. My oldest son David is a HUGE University of Texas fan. He has taught all the kids to do the "Hook 'Em Horns" hand sign. Any time we are taking pictures, Wyatt and Garrett will give the sign. Lilly doesn't quite have it down yet, but it won't be long! I was cruising ebay one day and found this little UT cheerleader suit. Well, of course I had to have it for Lilly! LOL!!! She was the cutest cheerleader for Halloween! Password is: hookem I used JanniDee's new freebie for all kit, A Little Sumptin'. I'm going to cruise the web and see if I can find a longhorn to add to my page! If anyone has seen one, please let me know!

Get it here: Link Expired
What do we say?

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Beagle Sugar and Back to Basics

Today we are going back to basics. Sometimes less is more and you don't need a lot of foo-foo. Although you KNOW how much I do love the foo-foo! I felt like adding a bunch of embellies would detract from the photos on this page. Repeat after's ALL about the pictures! LOL!!! Credits for this page go to ME! This little puppy was Wyatt's favorite out of the whole litter, I think she was pretty fond of him, too! Password is: puppysmooch As I said, this is a basic page that should be very versatile, use as is or dress it up if you like. You could also flip it to make a double spread.

Here 'ya go: Link Expired
Remember your manners!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Today for your scrapping pleasure we have a page I made using design tools I bought from Kim Broedelet. I'm pretty danged proud of the way it turned out. I LOVE the texture in the papers! The alpha is also from Kim, it's the Papery Alpha from the "An Ordinary Day" kit. I think this could be used for a guy page, or would make a great picnic or 4th of July LO. It actually should be a fairly versatile page. Password is: tootsie The pic is of Lilly scarfing her first Tootsie Pop. You couldn't have pried it out of her hands! If any of the 8.5 x 11 scrappers want the paper, let me know. I imagine if you asked real nice, I could even make a paper ribbon to match the frame wrap!

Here it be: Link Expired
Remember your manners!

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Danger of the Puppy Bowl

Well, I'm back! I didn't accomplish what I set out to do this weekend, but I did get a few things done for you. Saturday morning I heard one of those danged 'ole slot machines calling my name, and you KNOW I had to answer! LOL!!! I played till 4:00 in the morning, slept for four hours, went back and played some more. Didn't get home till 7:30 last night, but boy did I have FUN! No big jackpot, but several small ones, and I actually came home with more money than I went with for a change! ROTFLPIMP!!! Now on to todays LO. This page uses paper and a doodle from the "Denim & Daisies" kit from Nana's Attic The alpha for the title is "Puddles of Sunshine" by Eva Kipler. I did the frames using Kim B's Weathered & Worn designer edition. My friend Carol raises beagles. She had a new litter and invited us over for a photo shoot. I thought it would be cute to sit Lilly in the puppy bowl. I guess I underestimated the power of a herd of beagle puppies! This wasn't the effect I was going for! LOL! password is: danger No puppies or toddlers were harmed during this photo shoot! Oh, I almost forgot, the stitching I used is also from the Denim & Daisies kit. I like the effect of it holding everything down.

Here 'ya go: Link Expired
Remember your manners!
Now go have fun and scrap something!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Mr. Mojo is on vacation and Drop Shadow tips

I was playing with Janni's new kit "Mother's Keepsakes" last night. Mr. Mojo must be on vacation, because he sure wasn't at my house! LOL!!! While working with this great lace doily it did occur to me that since there have been several questions about drop shadows, this would be perfect for a short lesson on using shadows with this type of item. The first example is with no shadow. It looks flat. The next pic is with the default (21/21) low drop shadow applied. See how it appears to float? Third is with the drop shadow changed to 10/10. Looks much better, doesn't it? But we are going to make it look real! Once you have your item in place, go ahead and apply a low drop shadow. With the layer active, click on the little sun. Change the size and distance, I usually start with 10/10 and adjust if necessary. Now see the little black box? Click on it to bring up the color box. You want to choose a shade deeper than your background paper. Play with clicking on different areas till you find the perfect look! I chose a deep rose color.
Flat, flat, flat.

It floats!

Better, but we're gonna make it look real!

Now we are looking good!Hope you can use these little tips. Maybe that sorry so & so Mr. M will show up this weekend and I can have some goodies for you Monday! Have a great weekend!
BTW, for those that requested a feed, you may now sign up for feedblitz down on the left.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

8.5 x 11 work around

Today is a special post for the sweet ladies who scrap 8.5 x 11 and have been disappointed that they could not use my designs. Rena sent me the solution that she uses for resizing. I think it's brilliant! I played around with it last night to see how it worked and it's really easy. I've never written a tut before, but here goes!
I did these in landscape style, and we are going to assume you have the corresponding kit.

Open a new blank file H 8.5 W 11

Open the 12 x 12 QP and resize to 8.5 x 8.5

Open the matching background paper

Open a coordinating ribbon

Drag them into the blank file in this order, background paper, QP, ribbon
Position the ribbon to cover where the QP and paper overlap

Pop your pics in under the QP

Use the space for a title, or add some embellies from the kit.

I have done these two for you, let me know what you think! Password is: mysize

Here 'ya go: Blooming Colors QP8.5.zipButterflies Are Free Remember your manners!

Tomorrow we will return to our regular broadcast.

BTW, I think Rena is holding out on us, she knows more than she's letting on! Many thanks to you, girlfriend!!!


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