Here it is: Link Expired Remember your manners!
Next up for your scrapping pleasure will be "Grins & Giggles" created from the kit of the same name by Anita (Nana's Attic). Wyatt was so proud of this big frog he captured. Chloe stood back, but did lend her support! I love how the orange in the paper coordinates with the Cheeto stains on his face! LOL!!! The painted doodle is another example of what adding a simple emboss style does to an element. Password will be: froggy
Get it here: Grins & Giggles QP.zipRemember your manners!
I have had requests for more tips. I'm really racking my poor pained brain here. (Dang this sinus infection! I haven't dork danced in DAYS!) After a while it all kind of becomes second nature and I really don't think about it, I just DO it! You will get to this place too, just keep creating! There is no right or wrong, as long as it pleases you and you are preserving your memories. That said, a couple of things do come to mind. I always save a page as full layers, either as a tiff or a PSD. This way you can go back and change things easily. (Or make a QP from one of your LO"s!!!) Every QP I offer to you is from a LO I have done for one of my books. I can't just create a page. I have to have the photo(s). Repeat after me, "It's all about the pictures". ROTFLPIMP!!! Another thing that I have noticed while cruising the galleries is that so many people get so caught up in the page that not only do they kinda' add the photo as an afterthought, they neglect to add any journaling whatsoever! As I look at one of their pages, I am wondering, who are these people? What was happening? When did it happen? So, my tip for you is, look at your page as if someone else is looking through your scrapbook and you are standing beside them. Are you having to provide a running commentary? Then girlfriend...you need to add some journaling! You don't have to write a novel, just add the facts, at the very least names and a date. Sometimes that is all it takes!
I so agree about the journalling. Thanks for the tips. Hope your sinus problems gets better soon, have you tried saline solution? Just a thought!
Thanks so much!
I completly agree with you about the journaling. I look back on even mine and I like the journaling and the pictures. Who cares about the super cute tag or whateve. Well I do but most people just look at the pictures and move on. Thanks for the great quick pages!!
Totally cute Layouts!!! LOVE THEM!!! Thanks for sharing!!! TOOT TOOT on the DSO train!
thanks for sharing but about your passwords sorry maybe you can give this more clear please?
This is just too cute! Thank you :)
YAY! Thank you for "Shy Wy". I agree, the pictures are definitely key. Yours are showcased so wonderfully! I totally got stuck when I started with a template, picked a pretty kit, and then had no photo that coordinated!! Evidence that I went about the process backwards. ;-)
Thanks for digging in your brain for tips to share. >hugs<
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