I do believe all links are now active again. If you find one that isn't, shoot me an email. What a PITA!!! But it was all worth it to actually be able to share with people who appreciate your work! After all the wonderful comments from all the ladies visiting from Nana's Attic yesterday, I have a large case of the big head, and we're not talking sinus headache here!!! One sweet lady has dubbed me the QP Queen! (I am now ducking my head in a modest manner)! ROTFLPIMP!!! Yep, I am so glad that you are all enjoying my pages and sharing that fact back with me that I can hardly wait to create something else for you. See, what goes around comes around! Now, to answer a couple of questions. There have been several inquiries regarding the club I have mentioned. This is an idea I had been thinking about because call me strange, but I was getting really fed up with sharing my creations with rude people. Then Anita posted the link to my blog. Lo and behold...there really are some terrific ladies out there! Every one of you that took the time to say something restored my faith in the digital scrap world! So I am shelving the club idea for now and will continue to post freely on my blog. Lori wants to know what's a Do Dat? I am on a Bar B Que team and we compete in cook-offs. (Barbeque is really big in Texas). The Do Dat Bar B Que is the big competition in Nacogdoches. Around 90 teams usually cook, so it's a pretty good size event. I have won the ribs and the brisket awards. Lilly was actually born on Do Dat weekend in 2006, so she's our little Do Dat baby!
Now ya'll can just whup me with a wet noodle, because I left the flash drive with todays QP at home plugged into my laptop. BUT...I scrounged around and found this one to share with you! I don't have the LO for this page sized to post, so use your imagination! Password is: forgot This was made from the Treasures From the Attic freebie series by Mabelle Santiago-Rubia. http://mydigistyle.com/

Here it is: Link Expired Remember?
hey this is great!! thanks..
This is lovely. Thank you so much for putting the links up again. I came from Anita's blog also. I tried to say thank you for each one I took, but if I missed one, it was by accident. I was trying to do 10 things at once (you know how that goes!). Thanks again.
Thanks so much, this is beautiful, especially for something you just "happen to have lying around". You are great!
Thanks so much for the goodies!! Riding the DSO blog train!! Hugs!! :)
found your site from Anita at Nanna's Attic. Thanks for the pretty page.
Another Anita groupie visiting late because I have been sick and still on restriction. I just have to say that I just adore your fantastic and so professional appearing QP. I have an extremely sad face because of the size. I realize that I am in the minority, but I scrap portrait or landscape. Why the sad face, QPs can't be adjusted. So with sorrow I can't download, but I can with envy for those who do, say your designs are beyond perfection. I have tried to come up with a way to use your QPs but at a loss. Thanks for sharing your artistic design ability with us. Remember, that the people who are negative while enjoying your design and in the minority. Your works speak out loud as many download, appreciate, and use your QPs. Love all your lovely layout and the expertise in the use of such beautiful elements. It has been a nice visit just top view your gorgeous designs. Leavin LUV! XOXOXO!
Gorgeous QP. Love the brown ribbon. Great page to have "just laying around" lol. Thanks for finding and sharing it. Hugs.
You know another thing that is so cool about what you do? The fact that you advertise for the kits that you use...spreads the word on those artists too! (getting a needle ready to pop that big ol head of yours!) lol
Now, the Do Dat...it's a Texas Thang! NOW I understand! lol
Girl you keep ROCKING!! ;-)
Sending DSO Train hugs and loves
You are priceless, thank you for not giving up because of rude people. I am so grateful for wonderful people like you and Anita who design and share their talents so that my layouts look wonderful as I cannot even begin to design or to do what you do. So as long as we are on this earth, there will always be those who are ungrateful, but I believe there are many more of us who are thankful for lovely sharing people like you. Thank you again.
I'm really glad you didn't start a club. I'd be sad to miss out on all great quick pages you do. Thank you very much for sharing all your hard work!
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