Gotta tell you, I spit coffee all over the place reading the comments here and on 4shared! (And for the one lady that wondered, yes, they are ALL visible). Ya'll just crack me up! Thanks for all the too kind words you have sent my way. It really makes my day to know you are pleased with what I offer here on my blog. There have been several questions, (barbeque recipes, QP tutorial, etc...) that are too involved to go into here. If you will shoot me an email I will be glad to do all I can to help. Now, here's a little food porn for you! This is a picture of my winning brisket at the Harley Davidson Cook-Off. Yes, I will take pictures of anything! ROTFL!!! The second pic is of me (center) with the other members of our team. We swept all categories this day, brisket, ribs and chicken!

Here's another "Pick on Matt" page. He just had to add is own style to the delivery room attire! This page is a conglomeration! The papers are from Tweeny Bop, dadgumit, I can't find my paper that I wrote down listing everything. I think the doodle and ribbons are from Blooming Colors. Suffice it to say, everthing is from Anita (Nana's Attic)! Password is: mattdaddy WooHoo!!! Anita has a new kit with guy type colors! I can't wait to play with it this weekend!

Here it be: Link Expired
Remember your manners!
I just wanted to say I so enjoy your blog. Your works is fabulous. As I am a member of Anita's I do love the quick pages.
Also your kit Paisley Passion is marvelous.
Thanks for your time and talent.
Hi Vicki! Just wanted to let you know I nominated you for a blog award! Come on over to The Chronicles of Nani to get the details!!
The brisket looks fabulous! Now I'm hungry...well, it is lunch time in the Eastern TZ! Congrats to your whole award-wining cooking team!
Hey Sweets...Love, Love, Love your blog.....What a Hoot....and also Love your Great QP Gift.....By the Way....CONGRATS on your Brisket win......I LOVE Anita....and now Dear....I Love U.....
CONGLOMERATION! Blimey that's a word and a half! A linguist, an artist and you can cook. Wow you must have been at the front of the queue, I was most certainly at the back.
Wicked QP, thanks Vicki, and thanks Anita. Have a great weekend x
Great qp!! Thanks for sharing!!
TOOT TOOT!!! yum your brisket looks scruptious!!!
great QP - I'm also a fan of Anita.
This QP is lovely, thank you so much :)
I love love love love love your quick pages!!!
I always try to be appreciative when I get something for free. And I just want you to know that your work is wonderful and I really appreciate all the things that you give us.
Thanks again!!
oooooo I love the blue! And dang are TINY! lol
Thank you for sharing the qp with us! I've nabbed it up!
TY so very much for this FAB QP!!!!!!!!
These looks nice! You don't allow RSS feeds? I'd love to subscribe!
I so enjoy your blog and your qps. I am a member of Anita's also, and I extend my congrats to MattDaddy - he was so cool in his baby blues. That brisket looked awesome and tender. Hope you share the secret to making it tender.
'Mattdaddy", LMBO! too funny. Thanks for the beautiful page :)
What stylish delivery room attire!
I love the colors of this quick page. Thanks!
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