Today I have for your scrapping pleasure the Halloweenies Stuff. Some of the items are done in both the felt & epoxy styles. The green frames are made with the Doodle Frames brush by Deb @ They turned out to be a perfect match for the monster word art! I was really pleased when I discovered this, it was just too cool! Password is: tooth Once again I got carried away and made more stuff after I had packed up this file and made the sucky preview, so look for an add-on later.
Boy howdy, am I glad this work week is over! After spending approximately twenty (yes, TWENTY) hours on the phone this week with semi-English speaking tech (and I use that term loosely) people in India, I finally have the worst of my Intuit no quality check before release problems solved. AND...I did it without them! Evidently, after working with Quickbooks for eleven years I know more about their product than their so called tech support. I had to tell product & development how to solve the problem! And did they offer any discount on the $5000.00 price tag for this pitiful excuse of an upgrade? NO, NO, NO!!! How's that for customer appreciation? And the worst part is...they charge you an additional $159.00 for this lousy New Delhi support. But they've got you by the ying-yang and they know it, if you work in accounting you have to do it. Okay, anti-Intuit rant over, I am off to the deer lease to see Mom, Dad, Steve, Bev, Bugs and Sammy (Steve & Bev's other 4-legged child).

Today's gift: Expired
What do we say?
Vicki (who is "Free at last, free at last!)
Love the "stuff!" Great work as always. What would we do without you? Thanks a bunch.
Hi Vicki!
I'm doing some catch-up blog visiting so I'm commenting on multiple posts.
As someone whose last job, the one I'm still looking to replace a year later, was shipped off to India, I am SO right there with you cussing at any customer "service" rep who doesn't even speak the customer's language!
But personal ranting aside, THANK YOU! For cool and cute Halloweenie fun with NO SPIDERS! I have such love-hate feelings about that holiday! I love the trick or treaters and greeting them and the black cats and of course all the yummy candy, but I CAN'T STAND the tendency for businesses to call those eight legged creepy things "decorations." ICK!
Not one, but two arachnid-free Halloween gifts, HOW COOL! Thank you! :)
LOL! I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, but I know you do :) I do worry about the huge amount of pressure you submit yourself to. So glad you are chilling with you family and kicking back this weekend. Take care and see you next week.
Thanks for this cute little freebie. I'm not really into all this Halloween malarkey but you have tempted me.
Hugs & thanks again
Thank you so very much for this kit. Hope you have a great weekend and we will catch you on the flip side. ((HUGS)) from Oklahoma.
These elements are so cute! Thanks so much for sharing them. 20 hours on the phone with tech support sounds like an absolute nightmare! I absolutely despise calling tech support for anything. Hope everything is good with it now.
So cute!Thank you.
These are really cute, thanks so much for sharing some fun stuff to play with for one of my favorite holidays:)
Boo! These are really cute. Thanks. I hope your accounting system works out. I have been having a problem with my FIOS and I love speaking with people I have to keep saying excuse me, I'm sorry I didn't catch what you said...LOL Drives me nuts, almost as nuts as press 1 for this 2 for that, did you say blah, blah, blah! I can't stand it!!!!lol
Wow, that felt good. Thanks.
thanks, thanks thanks for the links! I came back for a second try on this one and get an error message instead of a link. I'd like to try again if the freebie is still available in a day or so - wanted to let you know it didn't work for me 2x. Love to see what you dream up and hope you're havin' fun. Thanks again.
These are fabulous!! Thank you so much for sharing them!!
Sorry to hear about your seems you can't even buy good customer service any more!
hugs, Jami
OMG these are the cutest! Thanks!
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