Well, well, well...Ike is gone, and all that remains is the mess. I was very lucky and didn't lose any trees or have any extensive damage. Matt the Brat lost three trees, they were just uprooted, roots and all. One barely missed his cop car, he had just moved his new PU out of the driveway when it fell. The Man upstairs is definitely watching out for us, and I am so thankful. I am posting from the store, I came in to check it for damage and charge up my laptop and phone. Even though I had the guys tape all the windows, we still have four that are broken. I have no electricity at home, and reports are that it may be weeks before it is restored. The majority of the crews brought in from from out of state are working in the Houston/Galveston area. I live in a rural area, so we are last on the list. The really bad thing is that I had already started to buy all the meat for the upcoming Bar-B-Que Cook-Off and it is now in the slowly defrosting freezer with no power. What a mess! Mom and Dad are okay, they lost some trees, no damage to their house, but they are in the same fix as me regarding powerless freezers. I never thought that I would need a generator living this far north, but once again I was wrong, wrong, WRONG!!! My brother Steve is also a boat Captain, and had secured his ship, but his pick-up truck was not so lucky. He watched it float off into the Gulf.
Now for a little something to brighten up this sorry situation!
As long as the laptop battery held out, I worked on the September Stuff. Ya'll should know me by now, I do tend to go to excess! I couldn't decide which direction to go, so I went all over the place!!! LOL!!! We have felt, we have epoxy, and we have real! Choose your fave, or get 'em all! Today I am going to share the borders, stringy things, journal spots and real leaf cluster. Password is: real

Gift for today:
September Borders & Stuff.zipWhat do we say?
Vicki (broadcasting from no electric Ike central)
I'm glad you made it through the big blow. Broken windows and no electricity are a big hassle, but things could be much worse.
Thanks for the great elements. What a selection! :D
Thank you. Glad you are ok.
Glad you're ok Vicki. I was worried about you and am very relieved that you're good. Hugs x
glad you're ok.....thanks for the lovely fall colors
I'm from the TX panhandle, so we're TX sisters. I am so thankful you are OK and your family didn't suffer any worse damage. I'm glad you had time to work on the page elements. They ROCK!!! Thank you.
Thank God and his goodness that you're all okay! We heard reports here that Ike was giving his mighty blow job to Toronto...yes, Toronto, as in CANADA! One heck of a storm!
Trees, windows, even trucks can be replaced. As long as everyone is safe and you have someplace you can charge the laptop battery, it will all be okay!
So glad you didn't suffer more than a few broken windows! I live in Indiana and have been watching the devastation caused by Ike! My heart goes out to those who have lost so much! Old Mother Nature sure likes to remind us that we only "think" we are in control!
Thanks for the freebies!
So glad you and your family are okay. That was one bad storm and I hope everyone that had loses will recover soon.
So, so, so glad that you are ok! You are welcome to come shower at my place anytime. LOL Here in Idaho, we are a bit off the hurricane track...
Thanks for the goodies. Just goes to show that not even a hurricane can stop Miss Vicki!
Again, so glad you guys are ok. Sorry about your bro's truck. Will that thing sink to the bottom of the ocean then and stay there? Or will someone drag it out? I'm clueless as I have only lived in earthquake country and now tornado country.
THanks for your excess girl! I LOVE IT! lol by the way, I'm waiting for more girly girly stuff...
Sure glad you are OK, hope you have power soon! Loving your Sept. Stuff. Thank you
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