I received a very sweet request from Elsie to please share how I make my old looking papers and the folded & torn edges. For papers I almost exclusively use overlays from Kim Broedelet. The choices she has are amazing! I am really partial to the crinkles, woodsy, grungy and paint stroked overlays. I also use her "Age It Quick" to make the random holes in papers. She has a new folded and torn template that I used on the "Raining Cats & Dogs" page. Check out her store here: Kim's Store. It's super easy, create a new 12" x 12" document @ 300 dpi, fill it with the color of your choice, open the overlay and drag it on top of the color layer. Then scroll through the blend modes to get different looks. Layer up several overlays and blending modes to get all sorts of looks. Merge visible and save as a jpeg.
As to the folded and torn edges, I use actions from Atomic Cupcake for general paper tears and crumples, get them here: http://www.atomiccupcake.com/ Lately I have become infatuated with folded edges. The ones that I have been using and am most impressed with are the creation of Gunhilde Storeide http://www.storeide.se/gunhild/velkommen.htm She offers them as a gift to you, be sure to say thanks and tell her I sent you! Once you have made your fab new paper, create a duplicate layer and just copy and paste your choice of edge onto it, position as you like. Be sure the edge is the top layer. I usually stretch it just a tiny bit to make sure it goes all the way over the paper. With your edge layer active, click on the paper area with the magic wand. Make the paper layer active and hit delete. Activate the edge layer, apply your drop shadow, and choose a blend mode. I like overlay, luminousity, soft light and sometimes multiply. Then crop down if desired and save as a png file. If anyone has problems or has more questions, feel free to shoot me a bubble mail @ txbubbles@gmail.com .
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Today Vicki @ http://vicki20.blogspot.com/ starts the release of "Raining Cats & Dogs". This kit gave me an opportunity to scrap a little differently, and it was fun! Password is: woof Bugs is my brother Steve's Boston Terrier. Everytime she sees me she jumps in my lap and licks like crazy. She is very smart, and knows to not ever go above the neck. If you don't want to use small photos in the stamp frame, just pop in some paper scraps and/or embellies.
Sorry about being MIA Friday, I was super busy and in a really pissy mood, I don't think ya'll would have enjoyed being around me at all! ROTFLMAO!!!

Today's gift: txbubbles-AWP-Raining Cats & Dogs QP.zip
Sorry about being MIA Friday, I was super busy and in a really pissy mood, I don't think ya'll would have enjoyed being around me at all! ROTFLMAO!!!

Today's gift: txbubbles-AWP-Raining Cats & Dogs QP.zip
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Fall Frames
Today I have some fall frames for ya'll. These will coordinate perfectly with the September kit. Also included is the acorn done up in the epoxy style. Yep, I FINALLY got that sucker right. I made it FOURTEEN different times before it came out okay. Password is: more I can't believe it's already Thursday, this week has flown by! I'm hoping that Mom and Dad come up to the deer lease for the weekend, I haven't seen them for a while. Archery season is about to begin, and no one has been out there since Ike to survey the damage.

Today's gift: LINK EXPIRED
What do we say?

Today's gift: LINK EXPIRED
What do we say?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
New September Page
I finished up this LO last night. These photos are of the trees that came down at Matt and Shawna's home. Honestly, it was much worse than it than it appears in the pics. Matt had already cut up the tree that fell and was blocking the drive. We are just thankful that they didn't actually fall ON anything.Password is: fell Matt had a premonition and moved their new truck out into the middle of the street moments before one fell across the driveway. If he hadn't, it would've been crushed. The trees that came down in the backyard just missed Wyatt and Lilly's new swing set. Shawna and I are trying to convince Matt that now there is room cleared out for a pool! Heck, the way they came up roots and all, the hole is already started! ROTFLMAO!!!
Gift for today: LINK EXPIRED
What do we say?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Fall Word Art
Today for your scrapping pleasure I have some fall word art. Two are in puffy felt, one is epoxy, one is rusty metal and the last is a script style in felt. Password is: word Look for some more frames this week, and I finally managed to make that danged 'ole acorn! I'm also working on some Ike LO's, so far I am having a pretty productive week, (insert knock on wood here)! Click on the image to see the detail.
Gift for today: LINK EXPIRED
Remember your manners!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Wild Child QP
It's Monday, and ya'll know what that means! Vicki @ http://vicki20.blogspot.com/ begins the release of her new kit! This one is called "Wild Child". The mesh alpha is way cool. Password is: happy Lilly really got her tickle box turned over this day, she was hamming it up and laughing at herself.

Todays gift: LINK EXPIRED
What do we say?

Todays gift: LINK EXPIRED
What do we say?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Another September QP for Ya'll
Quick post today, (it seems like that's all I ever have time for anymore!) I made this page using the September color kit. Password is: green I don't know if I'll get anything done tonight, I am packing up the YooHoo and popcorn and going to watch Wyatt and Lilly tonight. After spending five days with no power and two kiddos, Matt and Shawna deserve a night out!
Gift for today: LINK EXPIRED
What do we say?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The power came on around 7:30 last night! I am happy, happy, HAPPY! I'll try to have a little something for ya'll tomorrow in celebration!
Vicki (who is deliriously happy to once again have electric & water)
Vicki (who is deliriously happy to once again have electric & water)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
More Stuff
These are basically the same elements as the felt, just in a shiny epoxy finish. You will notice that the acorn is missing. I redid that sucker a dozen times and it still wouldn't come out right, so I finally gave up. Password is: shiny If I EVER get power back on, I may try and see if I can get it done. No time to chat today, I took off early yesterday, and am going to have to leave early again today to work on cleaning up the mess.
Today's gift: LINK EXPIRED
Remember your manners!
Vicki (who is now supremely ticked off @ going on DAY FIVE with no power)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Some September Stuff for Ya!
Told ya'll I went all over the place with this month's swatch. Here's the felt versions of the "Stuff". The box and dome are compliments of Deb @ http://thescrappincop.blogspot.com/, ya'll have her to thank for saving you from my usual crappy previews. I just love the glass dome, it makes me feel so "cosmopolitan". ROTFL!!!! (That's a line from one of my all time fave movies, "Michael".)

Now for your scrapping pleasure I give you the felt version of the September Color Stuff. I learned a few new tricks and had a blast making these! I really like the felt look for fall, you know, that warm and fuzzy feel. As usual, I left them on the large side, so you can scale to whatever size you like without loss of quality. Let me know what you think!
Password is: felt Hope ya'll enjoy the fruits of my Ike induced boredom, evidently he and Mr. Mojo are buddies! LOL!!! Although I have to say, when it comes right down to brass tacks, Ike can kiss my big 'ole Texas butt, I just want a hot shower! I am so tired of taking a sponge bath in the sink at work!
I need to thank http://eilajean.blogspot.com/ for the award she so graciously gave me. I know a thousand camels are gonna probably crap all over my blog, but I do not have the time now to go through everything that is required to pass this on, please forgive me, I do appreciate the recognition.

Now for your scrapping pleasure I give you the felt version of the September Color Stuff. I learned a few new tricks and had a blast making these! I really like the felt look for fall, you know, that warm and fuzzy feel. As usual, I left them on the large side, so you can scale to whatever size you like without loss of quality. Let me know what you think!
Gift for today: LINK EXPIRED
What do we say?
Hugs to all ya'll,
Vicki (who is really pissed about going into DAY FOUR with no power or water)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Autumn Dreams QP
Today Vicki @ http://vicki20.blogspot.com/ starts the release of her newest kit "Autumn Dreams". Todays QP is my creation with it, starring the fabulous Ms. LillyBug. She is so funny the way she eats her sandwich, right down the middle! Password is: yum I want to thank everyone who took the time to say a little prayer for me and mine during Ike. It worked! Thanks also to all ya'll who left notes here and on 4shared expressing your concern. I appreciate every one!

Todays gift: LINK EXPIRED
Remember your manners!

Todays gift: LINK EXPIRED
Remember your manners!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I'm Still Here!
Well, well, well...Ike is gone, and all that remains is the mess. I was very lucky and didn't lose any trees or have any extensive damage. Matt the Brat lost three trees, they were just uprooted, roots and all. One barely missed his cop car, he had just moved his new PU out of the driveway when it fell. The Man upstairs is definitely watching out for us, and I am so thankful. I am posting from the store, I came in to check it for damage and charge up my laptop and phone. Even though I had the guys tape all the windows, we still have four that are broken. I have no electricity at home, and reports are that it may be weeks before it is restored. The majority of the crews brought in from from out of state are working in the Houston/Galveston area. I live in a rural area, so we are last on the list. The really bad thing is that I had already started to buy all the meat for the upcoming Bar-B-Que Cook-Off and it is now in the slowly defrosting freezer with no power. What a mess! Mom and Dad are okay, they lost some trees, no damage to their house, but they are in the same fix as me regarding powerless freezers. I never thought that I would need a generator living this far north, but once again I was wrong, wrong, WRONG!!! My brother Steve is also a boat Captain, and had secured his ship, but his pick-up truck was not so lucky. He watched it float off into the Gulf.
Now for a little something to brighten up this sorry situation!
As long as the laptop battery held out, I worked on the September Stuff. Ya'll should know me by now, I do tend to go to excess! I couldn't decide which direction to go, so I went all over the place!!! LOL!!! We have felt, we have epoxy, and we have real! Choose your fave, or get 'em all! Today I am going to share the borders, stringy things, journal spots and real leaf cluster. Password is: real

Gift for today: September Borders & Stuff.zip
What do we say?
Vicki (broadcasting from no electric Ike central)
Now for a little something to brighten up this sorry situation!
As long as the laptop battery held out, I worked on the September Stuff. Ya'll should know me by now, I do tend to go to excess! I couldn't decide which direction to go, so I went all over the place!!! LOL!!! We have felt, we have epoxy, and we have real! Choose your fave, or get 'em all! Today I am going to share the borders, stringy things, journal spots and real leaf cluster. Password is: real

Gift for today: September Borders & Stuff.zip
What do we say?
Vicki (broadcasting from no electric Ike central)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Ike News
Well, it's 4:45 now, and we are already having some pretty heavy wind. As soon as I get through backing up all my accounting files I am heading for the hacienda. Updated predictions are for landfall before midnight, and our area to get 90+ mph winds sustained for at least 10 hours and 12" or more of rain. It is supposed to still be a category one when it hits East Texas. I thought I had moved far enough north so that I wouldn't have to ever ride out a hurricane again, but I was wrong, wrong, WRONG! First Rita and now Ike. This sucker is BIG!!! It is covering the whole Gulf of Mexico and is bigger than the State of Texas!
As long as the electricity holds out, I am gonna try to get the stuff finished for the September Color kit. If I work in PhotoShop my laptop battery only lasts for an hour or so. I will go nuts if I can't scrap. After all, there will be nothing else to do, except drink margaritas as long as there is ice to make them with. There is no more ice to be had in town, I have 32 lbs. to last for the duration. Oh, NO! It just hit me! No electric=no blender! ARGHHH! I'm really not an "on the rocks" person. Damn you Ike! ROTFLPIMP!!!
Oh, there is something I want to pass on that I found to be absolutely hilarious! Ya'll know there are always people that won't leave their home no matter what. Galveston authorities issued a bulletin this afternoon (this is the honest truth, I swear!) that said "If you refuse to leave your home, please get a magic marker and write your social security number on your arm so we can identify your dead body." If that doesn't get the message across that you need to get your ass out of Dodge, I don't know what would!
I will post updates when I can.
As long as the electricity holds out, I am gonna try to get the stuff finished for the September Color kit. If I work in PhotoShop my laptop battery only lasts for an hour or so. I will go nuts if I can't scrap. After all, there will be nothing else to do, except drink margaritas as long as there is ice to make them with. There is no more ice to be had in town, I have 32 lbs. to last for the duration. Oh, NO! It just hit me! No electric=no blender! ARGHHH! I'm really not an "on the rocks" person. Damn you Ike! ROTFLPIMP!!!
Oh, there is something I want to pass on that I found to be absolutely hilarious! Ya'll know there are always people that won't leave their home no matter what. Galveston authorities issued a bulletin this afternoon (this is the honest truth, I swear!) that said "If you refuse to leave your home, please get a magic marker and write your social security number on your arm so we can identify your dead body." If that doesn't get the message across that you need to get your ass out of Dodge, I don't know what would!
I will post updates when I can.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ike Update
Just in case anyone is interested, they are predicting that we will get tropical storm winds here(35-40 mph) and possibly 6-8" of rain, nothing at all like Rita. The main problem right now is that HWY 59 and HWY 69 are both shut down for south bound traffic due to all the evacuees. . I will be taking the back roads home tonight. The only other things of note is heaven help you if you happen to need something from Hellmart, reports are that checkout lane times are 1 hour+. I wonder if they will bring in the National Guard this time, they had to do that when Rita came because people just wouldn't leave the Hellmart! Hmmm...prison or Hellmart? That is a tough one, seems like pretty much the same to me! And...Lilly's 2nd birthday party was planned for Saturday, now postponed until the 20th, damn, I would go to the boats, but all the hotel rooms are probably taken up for sure! I guess I'm just 'gonna toodle on home via the back roads, mix up another pitcher of margaritas, make sure my laptop is charged up and let 'er blow! ROTFLPIMP!!!
Birthday Pics and September Frames
Good golly Gertie, I didn't mean to be running so late today! That's the story of my life these days!
Thanks for all the wonderful, sweet birthday wishes! I cannot tell a lie, I had more than one margarita, but ya'll already knew that was gonna happen! Here is a pic Mel took for me. She said "I'm gonna get real close so all the mess won't show." Could she be implying that my desk is a pig sty? ROTFL!!! The gorgeous flowers came from Matt the Brat and My Girl. Look closely, they are in a... MARGARITA GLASS!!!! How cool is that?!?! The office gang sent a candy and balloon bouquet, chocolate, of course!
Thanks for all the wonderful, sweet birthday wishes! I cannot tell a lie, I had more than one margarita, but ya'll already knew that was gonna happen! Here is a pic Mel took for me. She said "I'm gonna get real close so all the mess won't show." Could she be implying that my desk is a pig sty? ROTFL!!! The gorgeous flowers came from Matt the Brat and My Girl. Look closely, they are in a... MARGARITA GLASS!!!! How cool is that?!?! The office gang sent a candy and balloon bouquet, chocolate, of course!
Now on to the frames. I waffled back and forth about the "real" look versus the felt elements, and finally decided to do a little of both. Password is: fall
Your gift for today: LINK EXPIRED
What do we say?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Big Five Oh
Sorry guys, I've been trying to get everything done because I am taking the rest of the day off to celebrate my birthday. I'll have a margarita for ya'll! LOL!!! See ya' tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
September Papers
Here are the papers for the September Color kit. I couldn't help it, I had to use the woodsy look again! It just seemed to fit so well with the fall colors of this months swatch. The orangey one is my fave, it has some really great texture. Password is: woody The frames are done, and the stuff is in the works (I just have to decide which direction I want to go). I started out doing felt elements, but then they didn't coordinate with the frames. This is how I end up over-doing it every time!
Todays gift: LINK EXPIRED
What do we say?
Monday, September 8, 2008
Thank you so much for the kind words. I too scrapped in paper for many, many years. I went digital in 2006 and haven't made a paper page since! If you would like to email me, my addy is in my profile or on the side bar, and I would be glad to share some great tutorials that I used when I started. Quick pages are a great way to get your feet wet learning about layers and moving around in your photo program and ending up with a nice LO. If you get that wide format printer figured out, you will have to give me some tips. ROTFL!!! I have had mine for over a year and have only printed about a dozen pages. I scrap in 12 x 12, resize to 8 x 8, print on my regular photo printer and put into the 8 x8 albums from The Paper Studio.
Welcome to Bubbles Babbles,
Vicki (Bubbles)
Ya'll may have noticed the "follow" in the side bar. This is something new that Blogger has come out with. It works kinda like Feedburner, but without the day late emails. From what I have seen so far, it is pretty much real time. So, if you have a Google account, feel free to sign up!
In other news, I am thinking about updating the blog. I really want to go to a three column layout, but I am afraid of crashing the whole thing. If anyone has any tips on this I would be most grateful!
Thank you so much for the kind words. I too scrapped in paper for many, many years. I went digital in 2006 and haven't made a paper page since! If you would like to email me, my addy is in my profile or on the side bar, and I would be glad to share some great tutorials that I used when I started. Quick pages are a great way to get your feet wet learning about layers and moving around in your photo program and ending up with a nice LO. If you get that wide format printer figured out, you will have to give me some tips. ROTFL!!! I have had mine for over a year and have only printed about a dozen pages. I scrap in 12 x 12, resize to 8 x 8, print on my regular photo printer and put into the 8 x8 albums from The Paper Studio.
Welcome to Bubbles Babbles,
Vicki (Bubbles)
Ya'll may have noticed the "follow" in the side bar. This is something new that Blogger has come out with. It works kinda like Feedburner, but without the day late emails. From what I have seen so far, it is pretty much real time. So, if you have a Google account, feel free to sign up!
In other news, I am thinking about updating the blog. I really want to go to a three column layout, but I am afraid of crashing the whole thing. If anyone has any tips on this I would be most grateful!
Summer Cocktail
The Grandparents Day lunch was great! Wyatt was so excited, he didn't even want to play on the playground after lunch. He said he didn't want to miss a minute! He is truly my Sweetie Pie. You know you really love your grandbaby when you leave work to drive 80 miles roundtrip to have a 30 minute lunch in a school cafeteria!
Today Vicki20 http://vicki20.blogspot.com/ will start the release of "Summer Cocktail". Here is my LO and the QP. This photo is from our Cancun trip. Matt and Shawna are so sweet together! Password is: smooch Although this kit is called "Summer Cocktail", I think the colors will be great for your fall LO's, too. Just to let ya'll know, on Mondays from now on my post will not be until after 11:30 AM, so that I can coordinate with Vicki's kit release.

Todays gift: LINK EXPIRED
Remember your manners!
Today Vicki20 http://vicki20.blogspot.com/ will start the release of "Summer Cocktail". Here is my LO and the QP. This photo is from our Cancun trip. Matt and Shawna are so sweet together! Password is: smooch Although this kit is called "Summer Cocktail", I think the colors will be great for your fall LO's, too. Just to let ya'll know, on Mondays from now on my post will not be until after 11:30 AM, so that I can coordinate with Vicki's kit release.

Todays gift: LINK EXPIRED
Remember your manners!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Worth the Wait?
Busy, busy, busy! I've got so much going on, it doesn't seem like I'm ever gonna get anything finished! I did, however, manage to complete this LO that I created using the "Precious Pumpkin" kit by vicki20 @ http://vicki20.blogspot.com/ This kit is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! You can get this kit for yourself just by signing up for the Scrap N' Art news letter. I'm pretty danged proud of this page, even if I do say so myself! Password is: fall I know it's been slim pickins' around here this week, but maybe this page was worth the wait! I hope to be able to finish up some of my projects this weekend so that next week will be better. The papers are done for the September Color kit, I think ya'll will like this one.
I have to get to work now, I have a very important lunch date. I am going to Sweetie Pie Wyatt's school for the Grandparents Day lunch!

Your gift for today: LINK EXPIRED
What do we say?
I have to get to work now, I have a very important lunch date. I am going to Sweetie Pie Wyatt's school for the Grandparents Day lunch!

Your gift for today: LINK EXPIRED
What do we say?
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Boys Will Be Boys QP (and a tiny 2-fer)
Today we have a page made from "Boys Will Be Boys" by the fab Vicki20 @http://vicki20.blogspot.com/ I really had fun with the doodle frame. Jump right on over there and snag this kit for yourself! Be sure and tell her I sent 'ya and please leave her some love.
Password is: grin I hope everyone had a terrific Labor Day weekend! I didn't go anywhere, just hung around the house till yesterday, then I went over to Matt & Shawna's. We didn't barbeque, My Girl made enchiladas and boy howdy, they were good! Then I made homemade ice cream, I thought for a while I was gonna have to try the double ziplock bag trick, the ice cream freezer is on it's last legs and just barely sputtered along, but I babied it till till the ice cream finally froze. Wyatt ate THREE bowls!
Gift for today: txbubbles-AWP-Boys Will Be Boys QP.zip
Remember your manners!
While playing around with some actions on Sunday, I came up with this felt watermelon! I was very pleased with it! Zoom in and check it out, it really does look like felt! I made a bunch of felt stuff, but thought I would give the watermelon today, in case any one could use it for their last picnic of the summer photos.
Important Update
Beginning today, downloads will be removed at the end of every month. I have thought about this for a while, and this will just be better. If you are new to the blog and see something you just have to have, email me and I will be glad to send you a link.
txbubbles (aka Emily Post)
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