I had a pretty productive weekend. I managed to get quite a few pages done and made some into QP's for you. Today's offering is a LO I made of my Dad. We all met at the lobby bar every morning to decide what to do for the day. It has these gorgeous backlit marble panels. Dad and I were sitting and talking, when he mentioned that he thought his shins had gotten sunburned. Being the smartass that I am, I couldn't help but point out that maybe it wasn't sunburn after all! I then proceeded to whup out my camera and take some pictures for evidence. Password is: ouch This page also uses stuff from both the June kit and Cancun dreams. Now, I have a question. Does anyone have suggestions for a good video editing software? I have muvee, but I can't get it to do what I want. I need to be able to extract different parts of a video that is on DVD and then put them together in a new movie. This way I can edit the dolphin video and post it. As it is, it includes everyone in our group that day, and I can't put that up. Your input will be greatly appreciated!

Today's gift: Link Expired
Ok...LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO at your dad's shin burn!!! too funny!
Not only are you pretty good (;P)at creating the qp's...you know when to take your camera out too.
Can you come over? I need help. lol
Thanks for sharing the qp girl!
Oh dang girl, this is an awesome page!! I already have photos in mind of my daughter on a ship in San Fran.....LOVE THIS ONE!! yahoooooooooooo.............
LMAO@your story of dad.......hell of a sense of humor you have, and quick on the draw with camera too!
I love the way you "tied" the frames. Great page! Thanks for sharing.
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