Good God Gertie!!! I don't know what happened with the previews, but these horrible shadows are NOT in the QP!!! I decided to go ahead and post it, since all I have at home is sucky dial-up and I am already here @ work mooching the DSL! This is strange, it did not look this way on the laptop! If anyone has a problem, e-mail me. password is: toopink
Oh, WOW!!! Since I now have fans, I made a blinkie! Check it out on the left here! Snag it if you want. The too cool fishy is from Kim Broedelet. The aquarium elements are from Moune. In other news, I have been playing around again. I was looking out my window this morning and the azaleas are just starting to bust out all over. The colors are beautiful! We all know how much I love pink, (after all these years, I AM entitled) so I came up with this! I have a whole kit in the works, I am calling it Azalea Garden (yeah...I know, real creative Ha!Ha! Ha!) but I still haven't quite got down the packaging and preview thing yet. Until then, here is a QP for you!

Get it here: Link removed due to people with no manners
Remember your manners!
This is beautiful. Simple and elegant. I have enjoyed reviewing your blog and I availed myself of a few wonderful layouts. Thank you so much
WOOOHOOOO- * blowing bubbles*- that blinkie is STUNNING! It looks AWESOME! you did a GREAT JOB GIRL!!
And the shadow does sometime look like that when you resize it for web when you haven't *flatterned* the original first- LOL
Um- did that make sense?- wahahahaha
Oh I have to say I LOVE THE TASTE TINI LO- hahahaha
Thanks so much!!!
thanks for this beautiful pink page hon hge hugz n appreciation from oz..shadow is fine when downloaded sweetie once again thanks..
I love the textures and colors on this page. Very nice! Thanks. :D
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