Thursday, November 13, 2008

Quick Update

First, here is how to post a comment on 4shared. You have to be logged in to your account in a seperate tab or window. Scroll down and post your comment BEFORE you hit the download button. That is the only way it works. Of course, you may leave them here on the blog, I actually prefer that. I still say if they are going to require accounts, you should have to have one to download.
Second, I took the plunge! Yep, I have CS4! Not that I have been able to create anything with it, but I have it! ROTFLPIMP!!! I got it installed (along with Lightroom) last night and then promptly spent thirty minutes trying to rotate an element. Now, I am pretty danged good with PSE5, if I do say so myself. But this program has reduced me to 'tard status. I can't figure out where to install my actions (if they will work) or presets for Lightroom. I really, REALLY miss having the photo bin on the bottom. Hmmm...maybe reading the manual would help? LOL! I think the only way to do this is to go cold turkey from PSE5 and force myself to use CS4. Therefore, the pickins' might be on the slim side here for a little while, but not for long. I plan to immerse myself in it this weekend, and I am determined to create SOMETHING with it.
Stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

Ooooh! Get you girlfriend! CS4!! I am officially jealous with my CS3! LOL! Hugs x

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo! New toys! I love new toys! Just keep playing with it - I know you will figure it out!

One of my graphics friends tried to tell me one time that you can't learn anything by reading the manual . . . She was extremely impressed when I showed her an easier way of doing something - she asked me where I learned how to do that . . . .

"I read the instruction manual!"

Have a great day, enjoy your new toys and GB!

Anonymous said...

manual scmanual!!! LOL. I hope you getit figured out!

Anonymous said...

shout box _ what about using a shoutbox for comments? (per Vicki's blog"

Anonymous said...

Wow I don't want to sound like a dummie, but sorry to say I am, what the heck is CS5? I just purchased PSE6 and can't for the life of me figure it out, guess I am too spoiled using an easy program DIP 10. You go girl and I am sure you will have it all figured out this weekend. LOL

Anonymous said...

You lucky thing you, how cool, or is that old fashioned to say that now? I went cold turkey and struggled with Photoshop, I was getting somewhere finally and the my PC crashed. It's still dead and I haven't the heart to resurrect it just yet. Enjoy your lovely new toy.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip on posting on 4shared! Good luck and have fun with CS4 this weekend!! Do yourself a favor and stay away from the manual!!! lol

Anonymous said...

Wonderful!! Have fun playing with your new program.:)
Thank you so much for all you share.I LOVE your stuff!:)
I have been trying to leave comments on 4shared but my problem is..I do what you say and when I log in to takes me to MY upload window.I guess I could leave you a comment there..but that would just be silly.LOL
I sure hope they figure it out soon cause it sure is causing an uproar on the blogs.:)

Anonymous said...

wow CS$, way to go. I am still slowing learning my way thru cs2......... as for commenting on 4shared, sometimes I am already logged on and have to log on again it brings me up to the comment page and I can do as you say, sometimes it brings my up to my account, then I just backpage to where I was trying to leave a comment and the box is there, I sure do wish they would fix it soon or put it back to the way it was.


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