Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sand Monster

WooHoo! Two weekend posts in a row! Don't ya'll go gettin' used to this! It just seems like here lately I don't (as Kim B says) even have time to fart, and the weekend is the only time I can really relax and chat with ya'll. Now I don't want an uproar over my using this word (remember the turd word event?), but it is just TOO true. So if this word offends you, I extend my deepest apologies, but get real! I keep thinking I will get caught up, but it just ain't happenin'. Anyway, here is another page I made using the August Color Challenge kit. These are the photos that I created the sand paper for, it just took me a little while to get the LO together. Password is: sandy Since there has been such a favorable response to the arrow (made from Vicki20's doodle brushes), I left it on the QP.
Now on to address some misc. stuff.
To sylvia 92: I tested the download and didn't have a problem, sometimes 4shared is just quirky, if you continue to have a problem, you will have to supply me with your email in order for me to help you, it is not on your profile.
To date, I have left all my links up. If you find any that are broken, if you let me know, I will fix them.
I'm not even 'gonna tell the regulars to stop reading, 'cause I know you will read the whole danged thing. So here goes. I just have to tell ya'll, there is something I have been pondering. I check 4shared almost everyday. What is the deal that if a file is more than a few days old that makes people think that they don't need to acknowledge the fact that they downloaded the gift? Take for instance a file from July. It is pretty much downloaded everyday, in fact was downloaded yesterday, but the last comment left is dated July 20. Ya'll please enlighten me here just in case I missed out on something. If this continues, I will be forced to start making downloads available for a limited amount of time, and I really don't want to do this, as we are continually receiving new readers. So I guess the jist of it is, if you download a file, I don't care if it is two years old, you should still have the common courtesy to say thank-you.
And 'lest ya'll think that I am the only one that thinks along these lines, think again! Just hop right on over to and read her little rant. See, I am not the only that gets PO'ed about this, I am just the only one that rags on it on a continuing basis. I know I have said it till I'm blue in the face, but I'm 'gonna say it again, have the courtesy to say thank you to EVERY designer you download from. The two seconds that it takes you to post a simple "TY" can make a designers day! Okey Dokey, I'm climbing down off the soap box, for now! ROTFLPIMP!!!
If anyone is interested, I used Jokerman font for the title and just gave it a simple inner ridge emboss.

Gift for today: LINK EXPIRED
And what do we say?
txbubbles (aka Emily)


Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much for sharing this great page. I love the picture of the cute. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the QP. Lily is so darn cute, love the photos!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I've decided that that soap box is tied to your feet much like those cloppy things that kids use to play with...little cups they stand on and strings connected to the cups that they use to keep the cups on their feet while they clop along...know what I'm talkin bout? LMAOOOOO

Rant away love. HUGS

THANK YOU!! I love Miss Lily! And I love your freebies and appreciate your sharing them with those of us less talented scrappers. (I use the word scrapper loosely in my case) lol

Anonymous said...

Thank you - I just found your blog. I love your QP's.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey girl! Thanks for the traffic, I check your blog regularly and love your layouts. Lily is such a little princess! And hey, fart away this weekend - it's Labor Day Weekend after all! LMAO. Enjoy your holiday! Thanks for sharing your gorgeous QP!

Anonymous said...

This layout is so cute! I love the sand paper! Thank you very much for the quick page. :)

I know about catching up on weekends. I just started teaching again, so weekends are going to be when I get to catch up scrapbooking stuff. Hang in there. I appreciate your sharing your wonderful work even when you're busy. :D

Anonymous said...

Vicki, thank you so much for sharing your work. You are a genious.


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